Monday 17 November 2014

Album Cover Research

To give me more ideas on what to put on my digipak I have researched Florence and the Machine's album covers and what theme is gives off by just looking at the cover.

They mostly are very nature based, with flowers, leaves and 'floaty' garments to create a certain image.

Rather than using the Singer on the cover, I'll use 'Alice' as she is shown the most throughout my music video and as she is a key character I thought it would be a good idea to show off more close up's of her face.

The colours used are both tinted warm and cold depending on the mood that the artist is trying to create, weather its a sad song or light-hearted song.
I think I'll use blue's and purple tints to create that dream-like feel.

On the Digipak 'Florence and the Machine' is written in joined up writing which would be recognizable to an audience familiar with her work giving her a brand identity.

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