Sunday 30 November 2014

Magazine Advert final

This is my final magazine advert...

Magazine Advertisement Idea

(Made with Emaze)

Final Digipak

This is my digipak to go along with my music video. Overall I'm happy with the outcome as it is bold and eye-catching but not overly complicated. I have matched Florence and the Machine's band name structure with the white line border around the edge on the digipak cover. I changed the font to match the theme of my product and the album name (Breath of Life). I decided to have the album name the same as the song I used for my music video to create the overall theme to the album and for the tracking list I chose nature/dream-like songs by Florence and the Machine so that it fits with the Alice in Wonderland subject matter.

Below is my final digipak...

audience feedback on Initial idea

After showing my first draft of my digipak to my classmates, I found out that although my photos in the dark were interesting and caught their eye, it came across more sinister than calm and dreamy. They liked the editing on the photos and how each one fitted nicely in each panel and where the writing was placed, so after my feedback I will keep some of the photos but change the dark outside ones to day-light outside and edit them to give the dreamy effect.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Inital Ideas (Digipak)

This is my initial idea for my digipak. As it is only a draft for my digipak it was done on Word after I get my audience feedback I will create my final digipak on the software Fireworks as it will make my final product look more aesthetically pleasing.

Monday 17 November 2014

Album Cover Research

To give me more ideas on what to put on my digipak I have researched Florence and the Machine's album covers and what theme is gives off by just looking at the cover.

They mostly are very nature based, with flowers, leaves and 'floaty' garments to create a certain image.

Rather than using the Singer on the cover, I'll use 'Alice' as she is shown the most throughout my music video and as she is a key character I thought it would be a good idea to show off more close up's of her face.

The colours used are both tinted warm and cold depending on the mood that the artist is trying to create, weather its a sad song or light-hearted song.
I think I'll use blue's and purple tints to create that dream-like feel.

On the Digipak 'Florence and the Machine' is written in joined up writing which would be recognizable to an audience familiar with her work giving her a brand identity.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Introducing Digipak

For my digipak, I firstly have to decide on what template I want to work from. Weather I want a 4 panel or a Maltese cross digipak.

I like the look of 4 panels as it is simple but it might not show the theme and genre of my music video as it is too plain. The Maltese is unique so it would fit my theme but I'd then have more pages to fill.

Audience Feedback on Final Product

Below is a video of some audience feedback, the audience has never seen the product before nor the stages of when it was being planned, filmed and edited.

Final Product

Below is the link to my music video...

Audience feedback on Editing

Final Editing

After watching my product over and over to see if anything needed touching up I realized that some shots went on for a while and I thought that the viewer would get bored after a while of looking at the same shot. (This is one of the reasons why none of my shots are repeated throughout the music video- no two are the same!)

I changed the extreme close up of Holly's lips slightly just so that there was more going on in the shot. I think it flows well and was told by my peers that it finished my music video of nicely.


More editing

I now have all my footage and lip-syncing in time with the music and lyrics, it feels as if its all coming together now and starting look like something from Florence and the Machine's music videos. For the effects and transitions I have decided to have bright lights changing one shot to another, fade in and fade out's. These transitions take the viewer in and out of the dream world Alice is experiencing.

My favorite effect so far would be near the beginning where Alice fades into the shot while the other characters around her are frozen. This represents Alice entering Wonderland and as you can see the video below she has her head down to show her being sleep (dreaming).