Tuesday 5 August 2014

Creating a Set (continued)

There I am hammering in the pins to hold the lining paper in place, I made sure that I was putting them in the edge of the paper so that you cant see them clearly when I'm filming.

After I got the Lining paper on I noticed that some wood from the shed was still shown so I had to buy more paper to fit the gaps.
I then filled the gaps as best I could with my extra lining paper.

For the floor of the shed I thought that the lining paper would get dirty when shoes are touching it and I wanted to keep the floor clean so that the audience could see the effect of the pattern so I got some ply wood and started drawing out 12cm by 12cm squares over two pieces of wood.
I bought Crown black matte paint as it was both cheap and gives a good finish to any surface.
I then painted both boards to give the black and white squared effect.

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