Sunday 14 September 2014

Re-cap on filming process

Over the summer holidays I filmed my footage for my music video. In groups of 4, the class were given questions to read out and we all had to answer them...

Making of music video

Filming Process Day 5

I have now re-filmed two dance routines. One of them was fine in the first dance filming session so it didn't need redoing. My dance routines took the longest to complete due to the fact that no-one in my music video takes dance as a hobby and as I'm the only one interested in it, it took a while for my actors to understand and memorize the steps. This is part of the reason why they aren't very complex (the other reason being that they look cartoon-like which fits with my theme)
It took at least 5 hours to perfect my dance routines with George and Caroline (Hatter and Cat) but it was definally worth re-filming them because the weather was nicer and we were more focused because they now knew the routines.
Again people stopped to watch us while passing but it didn't affect us as much because the camera was facing the lake so the hikers walked behind the camera instead of in front.

Making of music video

Filming Process Day 4

I have now filmed the camera shots which include both Holly and Olivia together. I think this filming session was the best due to the fact that we didn't mess around much and got stuck into the task at hand, the weather was pleasant which put us in a good frame of mind and a bonus was that we all get along really well!
The only time when we did get distracted was when people stopped to stare at us while we were filming in the public walking locations which was frustrating because they kept getting in the shots.

Making of music video